Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holiday's

Dear Friends and Supporters:

Well it’s been an awesome autumn. (I’m always reluctant to say “great fall,” particularly after what happened to Humpty Dumpty.) Our nation and the world has taken an important step toward political climate change, and now the next important steps are up to us.

I appreciate your interest in and support of Heartland Security as we stand on the brink of exciting new times. First, on a personal level I am happy to report that Bruce Lipton and I are about to sign a publishing contract, and Spontaneous Evolution will be out in the middle of 2009. This has taken -- and is taking -- focused work at this time, so forgive me if I’ve been out of communication. It’s all good though, because this book stands as the foundation for the new story of “We’re all in it together.”

Upon looking carefully at the calendar, I noticed that our projected launch date of January 11th is going to be moved to mid-February, Presidents Day -- which we call Precedents Day, because of the new precedent we will be initiating (see below). We still plan to have a sample chapter -- along with the Founders Page -- up and out by January 11th - This will spur interest and build up momentum for the launch....and we will be celebrating the first "Interdependent Day" which is being initiated by the Interdependent Project - more later about this special event.

Speaking of Precedents Day, I am pleased to announce that I have been asked to be a prime organizer and a speaker at the Transpartisan Alliance Citizens Summit, February 11th-15th in Denver. This world-changing event seeks to bring together citizens from across the political spectrum to initiate a Citizens Alliance as an unofficial -- and yet hugely important -- fourth branch of government. Let me say this. I have been interested in politics ever since I was a youngster, and this is event and organization offers more promise for breakthrough than anything I have seen in my lifetime.

We will coincide our launch with this conference so as to “feed two birds with one scone.” And we will update you on details, including how you can become a delegate.

Another important development is that I will be launching a Heartland Security radio show hosted by the World Puja Network beginning in January. This will reach 98 countries, and offer a “voice” to projects and people who are weaving this web of mass construction. We will have more details on advertising, etc. later this month.

As Heartland Security takes shape, we are seeing it more and more as a “holistic playground” where those who recognize the interrelatedness of all the domains like spirituality, psychology, economy, politics, the environment are all part of one interwoven conversation, can learn about, support and adopt projects that are actually helping to “re-grow the Garden.” We see it not just as a place to talk about great ideas, but a vehicle and venue for participation in a great experiential experiment. Please feel free to offer ideas, particularly as to what you would like to have us focus on, and ways you would like to participate.

Thanks again for your support past, present and future.

May the “up-wising” continue, and may we re-grow the Garden together, and have a heaven of a time doing it.

Steve Bhaerman